
Ho'oponopono PRAYER for Sleep

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Ho'oponopono PRAYER for Sleep

293 ratings

Reprogram your Subconscious mind while you sleep to the frequencies of forgiveness, gratitude, love and freedom.

When listening to this prayer, you are speaking it not to a person but to the Divine - All that is.

"I’m sorry for not seeing You in everything and everyone. Please forgive me for not seeing You in everything and everyone. Thank you. I love you."

When this prayer becomes ingrained into the subconscious mind you become AT-ONE with all but unattached to anything.

This gives the right for the Universe to send in miracles at any time because you are unattached and open to All.

Meditation Instructions:

Softly play the meditation just loud enough to be heard but not too loud to disrupt your sleep.

Intend that you are speaking the words to God - All that is, not to a person.

Listen to the meditation every night for 30 days and feel your subconscious mind being reprogrammed into the frequencies of forgiveness, gratitude, love and freedom.

Journal: List out and take note of any synchronicities that may start appearing throughout your day.

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